Prior to the meeting starting, Carl went over some of the highlights from the UMECRA banquet/meeting he attended. One of the big things was regarding deductions for boots in competitive riding. There will be no deductions for easy boot gloves. Basically, no deductions for anything below the fetlock.

The meeting was called to order by President Carl Dosmann at 1:25 p.m.

Carl gave a brief recap of what he said at the regular board meeting earlier today.

The minutes were presented and approved.

Bruce presented his treasurer’s report. Andrea Redman moved to accept, Kathy Macki seconded, and they were approved.

Committee Reports:

There was no vet report.

Finance Committee: Diane Maxey made a motion to go with the budget from 2022. Lisa Germann seconded, and this passed unanimously.

There was no membership report.

Promotions: Carl said he had the sign-up sheet for Expo. He passed it around.

Awards: Lisa recapped her earlier (from the regular board meeting) report.

There was no report for Mileage and Points.

The newsletter committee report will be deleted from further agendas as we are doing everything online now between the FB and Webpage.

There was no grievance report.

Trails and MHC: See the minutes from the regular board meeting earlier today.

Web Page: See the minutes from the earlier meeting. It was decided that we needed to increase the amount of payment to Heather and the site needed to be updated in a timelier manner, and she needs to send and invoice to Bruce for payment.

Old Business:

Expo: This was pretty much covered above under promotions. The sign-up sheet was being passed around.

New Business:

The ride schedule was finalized at the earlier board meeting.

Umecra convention 2024: We will again be hosting the Umecra convention for 2024. Volunteering for the committee was Bruce Birr, who will chair, Kathy Macki, Karen Bahrman. It was also mentioned that Karen Jarvi might be interested as she was the new Michigan ride representative. Carl stated he would share the itinerary from the 2023 banquet as a guideline.


Member-at-large: Diane Maxey nominated Linda Hamrick, Andrea Redman seconded. The nominations were closed and Linda is our MAL.
Rider Rep: Kathy Macki nominated Audrey McMurray, Andrea seconded. The nominations were closed. Audrey is our rider rep.

Finance Committee: Bruce Birr moved that we keep Shannon Weston on the FC. Karen Bahrman seconded, and Shannon will stay on the FC.

Veterinary Representative: Kathy nominated Dr. Rae, Lisa Germann seconded. The nominations were closed with a unanimous “Yay” as our vet rep.

The following nominations needed to be done prior to the banquet and there were no nominations.

Hall of Fame person, Hall of Fame horse, Sportsmanship, Ride Management, Pit Crew, and Volunteer of the Year.
The Merrilegs Award has been temporarily retired.

Voucher/Certificate Proposal: Bruce made a motion to approve the voucher/certificate plan. Lisa Germann seconded, and this passed unanimously.

Kathy moved to adjourn the meeting; Lisa Germann seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 1:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Macki